Hello my name is Kat!
I have been married for 37 years now. I have three children who are all married and each has two children. I have a dog and some chickens.
Throughout my childhood, I had many challenges made me strong and who I am today. My father taught me perseverance through his battle with paralysis. I grew up being expected to take care of my elders when needed. Life experiences have taught me many things. Art has been the thing that taught me to be the best I can be.
I teach K-6 Art. I have been teaching for 17 years. I chose to go back to school to be an art teacher after working as a CNA and unit clerk at a local hospital for 10 years. I have a BA in art education.
I look forward to use what has been my saving grace, art, to help others rise to their best. This has been one of my goals in life and now I get the chance to help others through art wellness and mentoring.
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE, Psychoeducation
~Art Wellness
Though I’ve been teaching art to a variety of age groups in a number of different school districts
over the span of many years, it’s NOT TRUE that I was one of the original cave painters!...But my
experiences as an educator have created a career where I have discovered and developed a list of
SOLID CONVICTIONS about WHAT SHOULD BE EMPHASIZED to young and old and everyone
in between while teaching ART AND DESIGN. As in ALL OF LIFE, everything involves BALANCE,
so our Abbotsford Elementary Art and Design Department strives to EVENLY EMPHASIZE these
three things:
★ TRADITION...................Remembering our ROOTS/FOUNDATIONS through ART HISTORY...
★ FUNDAMENTALS..........IMAGINATION/ORIGINALITY...(Thinking outside the box!...)
Art is Fun!...Art is Important!...Art is Everywhere!...
Every day of my life reaffirms my strong belief that life is about knowing your gifts and then using
those gifts to help others grow in some way. I have a love for art and design, along with a
conviction that it plays a vital role in both helping complete a person and that it brings excellence
to a society. I desire to see that become a reality to those who have a class with me!
My classes place an emphasis on learning how to 'slow down' and 'SEE' ('THINK') about what
goes into a work of art. My overall philosophy in education is the same one that I try to live in
This benefits not only you, but also those who are a part of your world! My belief is that, as an
educator and coach, I have a huge responsibility to help my students not only learn, but develop a
love for learning! In today's world students need to know that their success depends on their work
ethic and willingness to be lifetime learners!
My wife, Penny, and I have four kids, and nine grandkids. I enjoy our family get-togethers, as well
as ‘working out’ (...got to stay in shape so that I can keep up with the kids!). Other activities also
include creating my own artwork (illustrations and caricatures), and visiting art museums and
galleries. My faith is important to me, which includes involvement with our church and community
as a way to exercise that faith and 'give back' in some way.
That’s a little info about Mr. Lecheler...
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE, Psychoeducation
~Art Wellness
I am Justin!
I grew up in northern Wisconsin on a potato farm, I started working on it at a young age and I went on to learn how to design and build equipment. After getting my hard work and dedication for my foundation set, I went to UW-Stout where I worked for my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art, emphasizing in ceramics, art metals, sculpture, life drawing, and printmaking. Today I have 2 studios, one in Medford and one in Elcho, Wisconsin. I specialize in Ceramic arts, pottery, and metal sculpture. After graduating with the BFA, I went back to school to receive my art teacher certification from UW-Milwaukee. I taught in the Antigo School District for 11 years at the high school, teaching 8th & 9th grade art, ceramics I & II, Art metals I &II and AP Art. I ended my career teaching a year at the Prairie River Middle School in Merrill Wisconsin, then moving on to get my master’s in art therapy.
I am finishing up my Master’s of Art in Art Therapy and Counseling from Edgewood College in Madison Wisconsin. I will be graduating in May of 2025. Art has been a part of my entire life and now I am able to help you use art as a means of communication where the spoken word might not come easy.
Art therapy uses the oldest form of communication, images. People have an easier time expressing feelings using images. Sometimes it is hard to verbalize what it is you are feeling. Art Therapists are able to utilize all forms of communication. It is always your choice.
Art Therapy is about the process of making the art, not the outcome. No one ever needs to see your work besides the 2 of us. Some people choose to crumple, rip, or even burn their art when complete as a way to feel the release of their emotions. I specialize in grief management as well.
My goals are to finish my degree in art therapy and build an art therapy program at Strides.
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE, Psychoeducation
~Art Wellness
Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center LLC
W6801 Colby Factory Road, Greenwood, Wisconsin 54437, United States