Hello, my name is Lisa. I have a Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling and a Bachelor’s Degree in Human Development and Family Studies. I have worked with students in a school setting for the last 15 years. I enjoy working with children one on one, small group, and large group setting. I have worked with children and adults with disabilities, such as anxiety, ADHD, Autism, OCD, and ODD, in various roles.
I am an animal lover. I currently have three dogs. Two of them are rescued English Bulldogs, Mack and Turbo. My third dog is a year old lab mix named Riley. He is a handful, but I am trying to teach him manners. I enjoy spending time with my dogs, family, and planting flowers. I love warm weather and helping people. I look forward to learning and growing with the EAGALA model.
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE, Psychoeducation
Service Areas:
~Certificate in Intensive Natural Lifemanship
~Cognitive Behavioral Skills
~Motivational Skills
~At-Risk Adolescents
~Youth Guidance
~Guardian/ Parental Support
~Youth, Adolescents, and Adult Guidance
~Knowledgeable about ADHD, Autism, OCO, ODD
~Anxiety & Depression Management
Greetings! My name is Elizabeth but most family and friends call me Betty. My life seemed never to be the path I supposed it would growing up and thinking of my future. Life experiences have made me strong and who I am today.
I am compassionate with abundant empathy for people and have learned to be a good listener, which will serve me well as my new role as an Equine Specialist and mentor.
I was a medical transcriptionist for 17 years and lost my job due to voice recognition but consider that now to be a blessing. Before that I was employed as a lab technician but the company was bought out so I decided to go to tech school at age 39 which was a challenge but I enjoy learning and bettering myself. I currently caretake and feel that is a natural aptitude I possess and derive a great deal of fulfillment in making a difference and having a positive impact in someone's life.
In my leisure time I enjoy working in my yard and doing projects around my home which usually means physical work and learning a new skill but feel much satisfaction from a job well done!
I have been fortunate to own two different horses for roughly the last 20 years and feel they are one of God's most magnificent creatures! I am super-excited about the opportunity to be involved in Equine Therapy and am anxious to grow in this field and help as many people as I can on this journey we call life together.
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery and ISDE
Service Areas:
~EAGALA Certified Equine Specialist
~Animal Wellness
~Equine Services
My name is Patricia Arciszewski, let me tell you a little bit about myself.
I am a retired police officer of 25 years. I have worked for every state entity, DNR, County, City, State and in all capacities of Law Enforcement as a Patrol, Communications, 911 and Corrections Officer. Throughout my law enforcement career I most enjoyed getting to serve the citizens of our communities, especially working with our youth.
Following my law enforcement career, I worked 6 years in the Social Service field as an Intensive-in-Home Family and Community Specialist. I worked alongside some of the best therapists as a team approach to aid in supporting and stabilizing our families. I worked closely with support agencies to provide resources and advocacy for my clients to provide a path to recovery, mental health services, a safe and affordable home, a thriving family and independence.
For the past three years I have been employed as a Customer Service Agent for a local insurance agency licensed in Property and Casualty Insurance.
My true passions go all the way back to my childhood. My parents raised me and my four siblings with strong values in faith and family. We grew up working in our family-owned men’s and boys clothing store where I learned early on the value of work ethics and service to our community. Growing up I had a deep love of animals, especially dogs and horses. Much of what I love was formed during this time of my life. Then came a part of my life where I got lost. Choices were made that resulted in many twists and turns, heartache and sadness but there is very little I would change because without those challenges I would not have learned perseverance and success. I truly believe because I had a strong foundation, I was able to rise and share my experiences and knowledge with those too who struggle.
My husband and I have a blended family including 3 daughters and 5 grandchildren. We purchased Bill's family farm in 2010. It is a Century Farm and has been in his family for almost 110 years. Bill enjoys working around the farm and is an avid sports enthusiast and memorabilia collector. I am an avid horse enthusiast, anything equine I will do. I especially love Cowboy Mounted Shooting, Cattle Work, Trail Riding and Camping. I am always a student and will participate in anything that will improve my skills as a rider or my horse’s abilities. Our hobby farm currently has one rabbit, 5 goats, 6 horses and a donkey, several barn cats and two goldendoodles that own the house.
I am very excited to be a part of Strides Mission and am thrilled that I will continue using many of the skills I have learned over my lifetime along with the newly acquired EAGALA knowledge to continue to support those in need.
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery and ISDE
Service Areas:
~Fundamentals of Natural Lifemanship "Foundations"
~Equine Services
~Animal Wellness
~Emotional Regulation
~Confidence Building and self-esteem
~Relationship Building
Hello, My name is Tammi Miller.
God, children, and horses have been my passions my entire life. I have a bachelor of science degree in elementary education and just retired from teaching for 34 wonderful years. During that time, I also taught a summer school class called Horse Crazy, and did various riding lessons with my own horses at my home with mental health clients. I have worked with people of all ages in Sunday school, teen youth groups, and adult groups.
I retired to spend more time with these passions: particularly my grandson, my 3 grown children, my aging parents, riding horses as often as I can, and helping others. Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center is a wonderful place to combine my talents from life. I love helping people, and doing it with horses is a dream come true.
Tammy will be following the PATH Int. standards for Therapeutic Riding Sessions. She has worked with many different ages of children with mental health diagnosis during her teaching career and riding sessions.
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery and ISDE
Service Area:
~Horse Powered Reading Facilitator
~Animal Wellness
~Therapeutic Riding following PATH Int. Standards
~Therapeutic Instructor
Hi, My Name is Heidi!
My husband and I are founders of Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center. We have two wonderful and adventurous boys and have a great love for God. We have begun this exciting new journey and look forward to helping others with the services and providers we have here at Strides. Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center began in 2020 with a loving and supportive team.
Marshfield, WI was the city I grew up in along with animals ranging from equines, dogs, cats, birds, lizards, and fish. I took horseback riding lessons as a child and have been riding ever since. Teaching my family the importance of caring for animals has had a positive impact on both the animals and my family.
After high school I ventured to UW-Stout and received a teaching degree in Early Childhood/Adolescent Education with a minor in Human Development and Family Studies. After 6 years of teaching, I achieved a master's degree in education and leadership at the UW-Viterbo. I continued teaching for another 7 years in grades PK, 2nd and 3rd. During my years of teaching, I have learned the importance of positive behavioral intervention and supports within the school systems. This program allows an outlet for children having difficulty with academics and/or behaviors. During my experience as a teacher, I have worked with many families on a variety of interventions to meet the needs of the student's mental health.
My knowledge about animals and mental health helped me realize animals could be a positive intervention for all. I adventured "outside the box" and realized the gift animals can bring to people going through obstacles in life. My family and I have experienced this ourselves and we would like to share this gift with others who are experiencing a need for relief.
With dedication and persistence, I was able to accomplish certifications in mental health, EAGALA, Natural Lifemanship and Path International Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor. These certifications allow our facility to offer a variety of intervention approaches to work on mental health goals. Currently, I am in the process of taking graduate courses to become a clinical social worker. I am hoping to complete this goal by 2027 and will then be able to offer more services to our clients.
Our commitment is to serve our clients with quality evidence-based interventions, co-regulation, equality, understanding of diverse cultures, appropriate boundaries and ethics and well-educated providers that help meet the needs of our clients.
We look forward to working with you!
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE, Psychoeducation
Service Area:
~PATH International Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor
~Certificate in Intensive Natural Lifemanship
~EAGALA Certified Equine Specialist
~Founder of Strides
Hello! My name is Kaitlyn,
I have worked in childcare for quite a few years now. Childcare has always come naturally to me, part of that is because I am one of seven children and was used to caring for my younger siblings. My career in childcare started when I got one of my first jobs at a daycare at the age of 18, since then I have nannied and even participated in some children's ministries while I was living in Mexico. While working with children I got to teach them some kindergarten things such as learning colors, ABCs and so forth, I personally feel like I have learned a lot of patience and perseverance.
I've also always enjoyed being around animals. Growing up I had two of my own horses, right now all I have is a Siberian husky who I enjoy hiking and camping with. I also enjoy working out, hunting with my brothers to put food in the freezer, playing volleyball and most things outdoors. I recently got my own place in the country where I am able to have my own garden and hopefully my own horse again soon and am excited to see what the next few years bring!
Service Array: Wellness Management and Recovery, Individual Skills Development and Enhancement
~Skill Development Provider
~Equine Assisted Services
~Animal Wellness
~Natural Lifemanship-Trauma Informed Care Training Equine Specialist
Service Array:
Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE,
Service Area:
~Natural Lifemanship
Hello, My name is Priscilla.
I have a Master’s Degree in Psychology, and I am currently finishing up my Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology. My husband and I have been married now for just over 20 years, we have two teenage children, and we love to go camping, fishing, and UTV-Ing, every summer. I love to be active and love most outdoor activities. I also participate in CrossFit and powerlifting. I love learning new skills and being in new environments. We also have two Saint Bernard’s, Reggie and DeeOhGee, who think they are lap dogs. They are my “mini horses”! They are all cuddles, fur, and drool.
My current dissertation studies the effects of CrossFit and Pharmacology on anxiety symptoms and self-efficacy levels in individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Raising an individuals’ self-efficacy levels has been positively associated with improved motivation, problem solving skills, confidence levels, and improved mental health. Going through the process of this dissertation has really cultivated the researcher in me and a greater curiosity behind what more can be discovered in the field of mental health for the benefit of many.
I consider myself to be an out of the box thinker and have always been passionate about finding more pathways to wellness and therapy that encourages individual growth in ways each person is comfortable with and interested in. I have always loved horses and have done volunteer work with children and therapy horses. It is amazing to see the progress that is made in each class. I am very excited and blessed to be a part of the Strides team!
Service Array:
Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE, Psychoeducation
Service Area:
~Natural Lifemanship Equine Assisted Mental Health Coach/Provider
Hello, my name Is Sue.
I started my professional career as a social worker for several years in Rusk County. I then earned my Master’s Degree in Guidance and Counseling. I am now a retired guidance counselor with over 30 years of experience working with children.
I have had horses for most of my life and still continue to be an avid rider. Currently I have two horses on our farm.
My husband and I continue to live on our farm. I have two grown married children, one grandson and a granddaughter to be born in less than a month. My family thinks I have too many hobbies, but I am never bored. I love being outside whether it is riding a horse, riding a bike or cross country skiing. I also love sewing, reading and gardening. I have many musical instruments and enjoy playing guitar and since retirement have been learning to play the violin and the piano.
I always wanted to work professionally with horses. I am looking forward to combining my passion for helping people with the aid of horses. I am excited about this opportunity.
Service Array:
Wellness Management and Recovery, ISDE,
Service Area:
~Natural Lifemanship Mental Health Provider
Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center LLC
W6801 Colby Factory Road, Greenwood, Wisconsin 54437, United States