Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center currently provides CCS services counties in Northwester Wisconsin: Clark, La Crosse, Taylor, Chippewa Falls, Marathon, Jackson, and Monroe. Provider availability varies by county for peer mentoring services, art wellness and animal wellness. Please see our list of CCS providers for details. Equine Assisted Services and Therapeutic Riding is done on site in Greenwood, WI.
Comprehensive Community Services (CCS) is a program that helps individuals of all ages live their best life by providing supports that address their unique needs related to mental health and substance use. CCS is intended to assist individuals who are in need of care outside of inpatient settings, but who may have ongoing needs that, if left unaddressed, could result in hospitalizations during times of crisis.
In CCS we can provide services under the arrays:
Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center currently provides CLTS services in Equine Assisted Services, and Art Wellness. The Children's Long-Term Support (CLTS) Waiver Program is a Home and Community-Based Service (HCBS) Waiver that funds community supports and services for children who have substantial limitations in their daily activities and need support to remain in their home or community.
Strides Equestrian Therapeutic Center LLC
W6801 Colby Factory Road, Greenwood, Wisconsin 54437, United States